Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rain & Run

It’s raining here.  The rain always coerces me to become contemplative.  I find myself staring out the window at the lush greens and deep hues of the trees and begin reflecting.  Usually, I like to listen to some music while staring at the slowly building puddles.  Today, I’ve been listening to the new ohGr a lot.  I feel like I’m in a good place.  I feel like I have direction.  The rain also brings me pain.  My knees have been very achy.  I’m not sure if it is from the rain or from running or from the combination of the two. 

Yesterday I found my 30 minute run to be somewhat easier.  I paced myself and by the time the 30 minutes were up it was a much easier run than Monday’s run.  I find myself enjoying the runs more and afterwards I feel great, I feel like I can do anything but I’m still waiting to feel that runner’s high during the run.  I also hopped on the elliptical for 30 minutes and went on a walk in the park with a friend.  I got to play in the playground which made me feel like a kid again.  I never want to fully grow up. 

Today I am adding the final touches to my new Mango Lassi tea.  It smells wonderful and fills the kitchen with a creamy mango scent.  I used a rooibos base and added some cardamom for a touch of spice and some calendula shreds, mango pieces, and natural flavoring.  Right now, it’s perfect for my mood and this rainy weather.  I love the warm sweet and spicy flavor right now.  Yesterday I got a call from a library that would like me to do several tea presentations at different libraries.  This could be a great way to gain more exposure.    


  1. As long as you have me as a friend you will NEVER "fully grow up" I assure you of that, LOL. =) Great post!

  2. And I will ALWAYS be your friend, so that's that. =O)
