Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Goal Accomplished!

Yay!  Yesterday I made it to 30 minutes of trail running.  Now that I am able to do 30 minutes, I’d like to stay at 30 minutes for a week or two until it gets to be a real comfortable run, then I will aim for 45 minutes.  While running, I was focusing on the mantra that the mind will give out before the body so that I could push myself harder and it really worked.  Unfortunately, I was slacking off a bit and did not get around to running until midday and that was a problem because it happened to be super hot and humid out.  Near the end of my run my body got real cold and I got goose bumps which has only happened a few times in my life and it’s generally not a good sign.  I also noticed that my heart rate was up way high.  It’s important to be careful when running in the heat and I was definitely not.  I should know better since I don’t do well in the heat and part of that probably has to do with my medications. 

After the run I went to see my allergist to get shots but I also discussed my medications with him.  My doctor is taking me off the nasal spray I’m using because it might be the reason why I’m in the beginning stages of glaucoma.  Instead he wants me to use the neti pot once a day in the morning.  It’s not too often that a doctor prescribes a homeopathic remedy.  In fact, my other allergist completely disagrees on the validity of the neti pot.  The neti pot did cure a sinus infection that I had, so I tend to believe that it is quite useful.  For the last 2-3 weeks I have been waking up with horrible sinus pains.  The nose spray was not helping.  Today I used the neti pot and it did relive about 70% of the pressure.  I’ll need to see how it works out in the long run.  So, now I am down to 2 regular medications and 2 emergency medications.  This makes me feel a little better.  I hate being on medications.          

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